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Josie Ouellet

Josie Ouellet

I'm Josie Ouellet, massage practitioner and osteopathy student, currently in the third year of a four-year program.

Ever since I was young, my passion for the human body has been a constant. My roots in the artistic world of the circus have always encouraged me to take care of both my physical and mental bodies.

My approach to well-being is based on balancing the fundamental pillars of health: a healthy diet, regular physical activity, quality sleep, stress management and adaptation of the living environment.

I look forward to contributing to your overall well-being!

Hypnose Granby

Our approach to osteopathy

Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy that considers the body as a whole. Our osteopathic approach aims to identify the source of problems by examining the whole body, allowing it to heal itself naturally.

We could compare it to adjusting the roots of a tree, encouraging it to grow and flourish.

If you're determined to invest in your overall health, osteopathy could be the perfect option for you. Book an appointment today!

Josie Ouellet

Mobile : 450-830-1576

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Naturopathy Granby