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Mission – Granby

The founding of Centre De Santé Équilibre De vie

The founding of Centre De Santé Équilibre De Vie in 2018 marked the realization of a dream that had been nurtured for over two decades.

The journey began in the fall of 2008 with a commitment to various training courses, starting with naturopathy and extending to other disciplines such as energy re-balancing, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, massage therapy, shiatsu, fascia therapy, hypnosis, and more.

The Centre offers a holistic approach encompassing the body, mind, and soul and provides a space for hosting conferences, workshops, training courses, Yoga, TaiChi, Qi-Gong, and meditation.

Moreover, the boutique section offers access to high-quality supplements, natural products and an aesthetic range, including anti-aging serums and sun protection.

Massage Therapy Granby

Our 4 Fundamental Pillars


Sincere, true and trustworthy, are qualities describing The Life Balance Health Center. We lead by example.


We are a professional team that wants to support its customers or people who want well-being, to choose themselves in their process.


This is what allows us to evolve, grow, learn and surpass our physical, mental and psychological limits.

Supervision and Support

Find it or the causes to overcome the brakes, blockages at any level Our personalized support allows clients to achieve their goals, to find harmony and balance in the short, medium and long term.

She walks the talk and proves that it is possible to combine personal and professional goals and objectives in your life.

A committed therapist

Marie-Claire is the founder of Centre De Santé Équilibre De Vie. She is an active, sensitive and generous woman who is a mother of five and grandmother of seven.

Driven by curiosity and passion, she supports individuals in achieving their well-being objectives, emphasizing respect, welcome and balance. She firmly believes that health is the key to happiness.

Marie-Claire's commitment to her clients is apparent through her concrete actions. For instance, she provides sessions in specialist classes that deal with anxiety in young people.

The therapist continued her studies in massage therapy, developing a diversified expertise and continuing to train in fasciatherapy, cranio-sacral reflexology and Madero therapy.

The therapist pursued her studies in massage therapy, allowing her to develop a wide range of expertise. She also continues to train in fascia therapy, craniosacral reflexology and Madero therapy.

As a passionate and empathetic professional, Marie-Claire is dedicated to the well-being of the people she works with.

Massage Therapy Granby